Author name: Dr. Bazel


Important Steps to Take After a Work Injury

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are about 2.7 to 2.8 million private industry workplace injuries each year in the United States. From slips and falls to repetitive use injuries, employees can hurt themselves in many different ways while on the job. If you find yourself joining these statistics, you want to ensure […]


Pain When Urinating: When to Go to Urgent Care

You have the urge to urinate, but you’re dreading going to the bathroom because you know there’s pain in store for you. If this sounds familiar, the best practice is to seek our help — not only to relieve your pain, but also to prevent bigger problems from developing. Painful urination is a common reason


Why Is My Asthma Worse as I Age?

While your previous asthma attacks haven’t exactly been a walk in the park, you were able to manage your condition with few lasting repercussions. These days, however, your asthma has taken a turn for the worse and you want to know why. Asthma affects more than 27 million people in the United States and, while the respiratory


How to Manage Fall Pollen Allergies

About 24 million Americans are diagnosed with seasonal allergies, including autumn allergies triggered by pollen, mold spores, and indoor air pollutants. If you’re one of those millions, taking a few extra precautions could mean the difference between suffering through the fall months and enjoying them. As a leading primary care doctor in Southern California, Michael Bazel, MD, helps

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